
Seminar 2018.1

Organized by  Orizon P. Ferreira

The seminars in this semester will be held in the Lecture Room of IME/UFG, unless otherwise stated. All interested are very welcome to attend.


Title: Proximal point method for center of mass on sphere

Speaker: Lucas Vidal Meireles (Ph.D. student-IME/UFG)

Abstract:  In this presentation, we approach the problem of finding center of mass on sphere, and we investigate the convergence of proximal point algorithm for solving this problem.

Data: 22/03/2018
Hora: 08:00 hrs


Title: Non-linear conjugate gradient methods for vector optimization

Speaker: Leandro da Fonseca Prudente (Professor-IME/UFG)

Abstract: We propose non-linear conjugate gradient methods for finding critical points of vector-valued functions with respect to the partial order induced by a closed, convex, and pointed cone with non-empty interior. No convexity assumption is made on the objectives. The concepts of Wolfe and Zoutendjik conditions are extended for the vector-valued optimization. In particular, we show that there exist intervals of stepsizes satisfying the Wolfe-type conditions. The convergence analysis covers the vector extensions of the Fletcher-Reeves, Conjugate Descent, Dai-Yuan, Polak-Ribière-Polyak, and Hestenes-Stiefel parameters that retrieve the classical ones in the scalar minimization case. Under inexact line searches and without regular restarts, we prove that the sequences generated by the proposed methods find points that satisfy the first-order necessary condition for Pareto-optimality. Numerical experiments illustrating the practical behavior of the methods are presented.

Data: 05/04/2018
Hora: 08:00 hrs


Title: A version of the Newton's method for solving a class of generalized equations

Speaker: Fabiana R. Oliveira (Ph.D. student-IME/UFG)

Abstract: In this talk, we will present a new version of the Newton's method for solving   generalized equations. We also will discuss  its local convergence theorem obtained under certain conditions.

Data: 12/04/2018
Hora: 08:00 hrs


Title: A Generalized Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers and its Iteration-Complexity Analysis

Speaker: Vando A. Adona (Ph.D student-IME/UFG)

Abstract: In this talk will be presented a generalized alternating direction method of multipliers for computing approximate solution of a linearly constrained convex optimization problem. We will show the pointwise and ergodic interation-complexity bounds for the proposed method and some preliminary numerical experiments to illustrate the advantages of the new method.

Data: 19/04/2018
Hora: 08:00 hrs


Title: A globally convergent method for solving constrained nonlinear systems

Speaker: Fabricia Rodrigues de Oliveira

Abstract: In  this talk, we will propose a globally convergent method for solving constrained nonlinear systems.  We also will discuss  its global convergence results obtained under certain conditions and some preliminary numerical experiments are given to illustrate its performance.

Data: 26/04/2018
Hora: 08:00 hrs


Title: Iteration-Complexity of Subgradient Method on Riemannian Manifolds

Speaker: Mauricio Silva Louzeiro


Abstract:  The subgradient method for optimization problems in Riemannian manifolds settings is analyzed in this talk. Iteration-complexity bound for Lipschitz continuous  functions will be presented for this algorithm, as well as practical and academic examples.

Data: 03/05/2018
Hora: 08:00 hrs


Title: Newton's method for solving constrained nonlinear systems

Speaker: Fabiana Rodrigues de Oliveira

Abstract:   A new version of the Newton's method for solving constrained nonlinear systems is presented in this talk. We also will discuss  its local convergence theorem obtained under certain conditions and some special cases are analyzed.

Data: 10/05/2018
Hora: 08:00 hrs


Title: Steepest descent methods for multicriteria optimization.

Speaker: Paulo César da Silva Júnior

Abstract: In this seminar will be presented the paper "Fliege, J., Svaiter, B.F.: Steepest descent methods for multicriteria optimization. Math. Methods Oper.Res.51 (3), 479–494 (2000)”.

Data: 17/05/2018
Hora: 08:00 hrs


Title: Proximal-gradient algorithms for fractional programming

Speaker: Lucas Vidal de Meireles

Abstract:  In this seminar will be presented the paper "Bot, R.I., Csetnek, E.R.: Proximal-gradient algorithms for fractional programming. Optimization, 66(8) 1383-1396 (2017)."

Data: 07/06/2018
Hora: 08:00 hrs



Title: Title: Convergence of the Gauss-Newton method for a special class of systems of equations under a majorant condition.

Speaker: Ademir Alves Aguiar

Abstract:  In this seminar will be presented the paper "Convergence of the Gauss-Newton method for a special class of systems of equations under a majorant condition"

Data: 14/06/2018
Hora: 08:00 hrs



Title: Hölder continuity of the steepest descent direction for multiobjective optimization.

Speaker: Ray Victor Guimarães Serra

Abstract:  In this talk will be presented the paper " B. F. Svaiter, Hölder continuity of the steepest descent direction for multiobjective optimization, (2018) ". Our aim will show continuity properties of the descent direction generated by steepest descent method for multiobjective optimization. We will show that this direction is Hölder continuous with optimal exponent 1/2.

Data: 21/06/2018
Hora: 08:00 hrs



Title: Local convergence analysis of a proximal Gauss-Newton method under a majorant condition

Speaker: Tiago da Costa Menezes

Abstract:  In this talk will be presented the paper "G. Bouza Allende, M. L. N. Gonçalves, Local convergence analysis of a proximal Gauss-Newton method under a majorant condition, (2013) ". Our aim will its show local convergence analysis results, obtained under certain conditions.

Data: 28/06/2018
Hora: 08:00 hrs




Coordinator schedule:

Reinier Diaz Millan (2018/2)

Luis Roman (2019/1)

Leandro F. Prudente (2019/2)

Glaydston C. Bento (2020/1)

Jefferson D. G. Melo (2020/2)